Sunday, February 22, 2009

NAAZ~ My super assistant!!

Well after two days of hauling soil for the garden I was glad to see the rain.
So was my tired and aching body!! Naaz~ my super organizing assistant stopped by to clean up my messy studio. (Is there any other kind LOL) I pay her in jewelry, so I made a few pieces for her today. Here is a picture of her and her organized wall. THANK YOU Naaz! and one of my other helper Mickey blues eyes.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Saturday in La Conner

On the weekend my friend Kerri and I traveled south of the border to visit Scott and Monica Bouwens and see their new studio in La Conner Washington. The studio is just beautiful, Scott has an amazing set up of video equipment to show off demos. It was great to hang out and see all Scott's  lampworking tools in action. It was also nice to meet his studio neighbor Alex, a very talented painter from Russia. I'm looking forward to another trip when the weather is a bit warmer!! BRRRR it was very cold!

Going to the WILD side!!

After months of working with aqua blue I needed a change! Here are some animal print beads I've been working on.